Report on the experience of clinical use of the ALMAG - 02 magnetic therapy device
In the period from 2014 to 2020, on the basis of the physiotherapy department SBHI «City Hospital â„–37 of the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod» a magnetic therapy device «ALMAG-02» according to GICS.941519/104 TU was applied, designed for physiotherapy with a low-frequency, low-intensity magnetic field in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. The department is equipped with three devices "ALMAG-02" (10294 -2014,10302-2014,16229- 2016), with the help of which courses of physiotherapy are carried out to 50-70 patients daily. Magnetic therapy from the Almag-02 device was used for various groups of patients undergoing rehabilitation after fractures, dislocations, ligamentous injuries, soft tissue bruises, as well as physiotherapy courses for diseases of the respiratory system, ENT organs, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, etc.
Methods of application of Almag-02
During the procedures, the contact method of exposure was used, the inductors of the device were installed on the area of the affected organ. The main emitter (ME) was used, consisting of 4 flexible radiating lines with 4 inductors each, an emitter in the form of a separate flexible ruler (SFR) and local emitters (LE) containing 2 inductors. Structural embodiment of the device is convenient and allows you to use it for local and zonal treatment, that is, to simultaneously affect several zones with a magnetic field. LE provide only a local pulsed magnetic field with a large penetration depth. The device is programmed for 79 programs with optimally selected characteristics of the magnetic field. Field types: "running" and " stationary". On the emitters of the device there is a marking of the polarity of the field (N and S). Exposure time from 10 to 30 minutes. with good portability. The procedures were performed daily from 10 to 20 per course. The nosological structure of the groups of patients who received magnetic therapy from the «ALMAG-02» device is presented below.
Neuropathy is an inflammatory or degenerative change in the trunks of the peripheral nerves, accompanied by sensitive, motor and trophic disorders in the innervation zone of the damaged nerve. When the peroneal nerve was affected, the patients were characterized by a violation of finger flexion, the development of atrophy of the muscles of the posterior surface of the lower leg. In the neuropathy of the sciatic nerve, atrophy of the muscles of the posterior surface of the thigh was attached. Patients complained of pain in the lower back, in the leg, along the nerves, they had difficulty in movement, gait disorders, and the development of muscle paresis. Magnetic therapy with the almag device had an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect by improving microcirculation in the affected area , relieving muscle spasm. The effect of treatment was manifested quite quickly. The assessment was conducted on the VAS scale.
AGE 30-50 / 51-70 YEARS OLD
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
Neuropathy of the femoral nerve, greater-and peroneal nerve, sciatic nerve
10 / 13
9 / 14
Postherpetic neuropathy
7 / 10
10 / 7
Neuropathy is an inflammatory or degenerative change in the trunks of the peripheral nerves, accompanied by sensitive, motor and trophic disorders in the innervation zone of the damaged nerve. When the peroneal nerve was affected, the patients were characterized by a violation of finger flexion, the development of atrophy of the muscles of the posterior surface of the lower leg. In the neuropathy of the sciatic nerve, atrophy of the muscles of the posterior surface of the thigh was attached. Patients complained of pain in the lower back, in the leg, along the nerves, they had difficulty in movement, gait disorders, and the development of muscle paresis. Magnetic therapy with the almag device had an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect by improving microcirculation in the affected area , relieving muscle spasm. The effect of treatment was manifested quite quickly. The assessment was conducted on the VAS scale.
AGE 30-50 / 51-70 YEARS OLD
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
Epicondylitis of the shoulder
41 / 27
36 / 32
Acute trophoneurotic bone atrophy (Zudek's syndrome)
7 / 8
8 / 7
Crepitating tendovaginitis of the forearm
14 / 11
12 / 13
Titze syndrome
6 / 2
5 / 3
Vertebro-basilar syndrome (vertebral artery syndrome)
6 / 5
4 / 7
Vertebrogenic myelopathy syndrome
4 / 6
5 / 5
Calcaneal periostosis (calcaneal spur)
32 / 44
40 / 36
Osteoporosis with a pathological fracture and without a pathological fracture
3 / 6
4 / 5
In this group of diseases, the method of magnetic therapy was widely used. For example, epicondylitis is a chronic dystrophic lesion of the external or internal condyles of the humerus, accompanied by aseptic inflammation of the muscles at the place of their attachment to the bone in the area of the elbow joint. Epicondylitis occurs due to microtraumas, deforming arthrosis of the elbow joint, cervical osteochondrosis, and ulnar nerve neuropathy. Clinically, epicondylitis is characterized by pain of varying intensity in the area of the affected epicondyle radiating into the forearm. «Almag-02» magnetic therapy was applied to provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Separate flexible ruler Program â„– 31 was chosen: a separate flexible ruler emitter was used for the affected elbow, running MF, induction of 20 mT, frequency of 100 Hz, exposure time of 15 minutes.
Plantar fasciitis is characterized by the presence of bone-cartilaginous exostases in the area of the calcaneal tubercle. With the worsening of disease, patients experienced sharp pain in the heel area. The effect of the magnetic field (program â„–36) provided a reduction of pain syndrome, swelling, and X-ray and ultrasound examination revealed a decrease in signs of an inflammatory reaction and a discharge of calceficates. A good therapeutic effect was revealed when using a magnetic field (program 32) in acute trophoneurotic bone atrophy (Zudek's syndrome). This is a severe complication of fractures of the radius in a typical place, accompanied by severe edema, pain syndrome, numbness of the fingers. The magnetic field affected the rheological properties of the blood, had pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and trophostimulating effects, normalized microcirculation and venous blood flow.
Table 3. Dynamics of edema regression in Zudek's syndrome when using ALMAG-02